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New Taxpayer Application - E-invoice in Poland

Yesterday the Ministry of Finance conducted the Webinar about the new application KSeF regarding the new functionality of e-invoice, which took effect on the 1st of January. Issuing invoices using the e-invoice.xml format is for now not obligatory. The MF planned to introduced obligatory e-invoice from 2023, nonetheless, this date was changed and according to MF, it won`t happen until the second quarter of the following year.


The API environment which is already available from the 1st of January on the MF is now connected to the new KSeF application. The application is dedicated to small companies and sole traders which issue a low amount of invoices per month. What I also important is that the proposed solution does not contain the functionality to upload the batch of issued company invoices. For this reason, middle and big companies will be forced to adjust their own accounting ERP programs for new e-invoice functionality.

What about the mentioned application: How does it look like? What features have?

The application is e-enabled and could be used by all polish companies which have taxpayer identification number in Poland. The system of the application seems to be created rather simply for all users. The functionality of the new application was created accordingly to the legal requirements of the e-invoice.xml specification document.

The application has the following functionality i.e. :

  • Issuing the invoices regarding polish sales, export, and WDT – no possibility to cancel issued e-invoice, as all issued KSeF invoices are confirmed with UPO

  • Uploading individual invoices to the KSeF system

  • Downloading KSeF invoices

  • Granted authority to the KSeF applications – different options are available i.e. permission for a specific person or for the accounting office, followingly there is the possibility of granted full access or i.e. only for issuing invoices

  • Possibility to generate the Token

  • Ability to downloaded invoices in XML and HTML format

  • What is important about the application is that to log into there is a requirement for authentication using i.e. :

  • Qualified seal – for the legal person companies

  • Token – which is assigned to the taxpayer

  • ePUAP website

  • Qualified signature

On the 7th of April, the Ministry of Finance enabled on the government website the application on the test and demo environment. Thereafter tests period will be finished, new functionality such as opening and downloading invoices in PDF should also appear. It is known as well that there will be no functionality for adding any kind of attachments to the invoice. MF has mentioned also the functionality of reporting data regarding issued and received invoices, which should be enabled in the future.

Here you can find the link to the MF Application.

In conclusion, now there is the very best time to think through how companies will assure described functionality in their ERP systems one year from now? Our company works hard with Infor M3 cooperation to prepare the best solution for our current and future clients. In the near future specification regarding e-invoice should appear also in English, which is especially useful for foreign users - according to the MF.

If you looking for more information about e-invoices, you can find them on our blog where we keep you up to date with changes in E-invoice matters.

Authors: Patrycja Morawiecka,

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