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E-invoice (KSeF) 2022

The first question that should be made – “What's the status of KSeF development in Poland?” Probably the second one could be – “Is Infor & Lightning ERP prepared to face a new E-invoice solution?”. As we deep into the topic instead of good responses or solutions on how to manage this new process smoothly, more and more questions will come up to our minds.

Let me try to summarize where we are at the moment and what we could expect.

It is known that from 1st January Taxpayers can issue a structured invoice. On the Polish market, there are some small Accounting programs that provide solutions for issuing and sending structured invoices directly to KSeF. Those programs are listed on KSeF website. Other bigger ERP systems must prepare and adjust solutions, API connections, etc. that their clients could advantage from e-invoice solutions properly. But are we ready for that?

Some preparations could be made according to information which the government has provided us, but clearly, it`s not enough to run an e-invoice solution for big companies using ERP systems.

Maybe some of you already heard about PEF. It is already existing solutions for Structured Invoices but currently, PEF serves only invoices issued from business to authorities.

So the question is if the government prepares a similar platform for B2B? The answer is tricky, as on the KSeF website there have been created three environments: production, test, and demo, where there is a possibility to i.e. upload, download invoices in XML format using only API. Unfortunately, there is no visible platform for B2B where entrepreneurs could log in, upload an invoice that will be issued in a structured way in their ERP system and then store it.

Government presents the advantages that come from using e-invoice solution like:

But frankly speaking, the advantages, for now, are insufficient to convince Taxpayers to change the method of issuing their invoices from i.e. electronic invoices to structured ones.

The Ministery of Finance working in progress to update e-Mikrofirma to be able to adjust for uploading and downloading Structured Invoices. There are some assumptions that the application will be ready at the end of the second quarter of 2022. Unfortunately, the lack of data confirming the creation of the visible platform does not encourage as well taxpayers to choose an e-invoice.

It is worth to say, that the government has attached on KSeF website Interface specification requirements document which widely describes the technician part of the structured invoice process. In this documents have been defined such examples as:

  • protocol requirements i.e. HTTP-REST, TLS 1.2

  • requirements regarding a batch of the invoices - compression and the method

  • requirements regarding authorization sub-process - electronic signature ePUAP/XAdES

  • type of documents which will be supported by API in Poland

The KSeF website has been also presented examples of all document types in XML format and xsd schema, which could be helpful for companies during preparing and testing structured invoices.

Furthermore, contrary to JFK, Infor also considers supporting electronic signatures in the authentication sub-process of e-invoicing.

The last question will be - " What next...? ". For a few weeks now Infor together with Lighting ERP cooperation is working on analyzing the technical specification of the E-invoice solution. However, most of the companies probably will wait till the visible platform will be ready and then will test the whole end-to-end e-invoice solution.

Keep observing our Blog for up-to-date information about Infor's work progress.

Authors: Patrycja Morawiecka,

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